This track was written for my dearly missed and beloved cat Blowfeld.

If you listen carefully you can hear Blowfeld in the track, he had a very distinctive meow that sounded like his voicebox was broken bless him.

He was an 8 to 10-year-old rescue cat and nobody else wanted him or his sister Xena. Blowfeld had pretty much shut down and was depressed. Xena his sister was petrified in the rescue center. We adopted them both and they were both the most beautiful, gentle little souls you could have wished for. They are both terribly missed.


Released October 11, 2020

Music written by Martin George Selwood (2010).

All keyboards, and synthesizers: Martin George Selwood
Mixed: Martin George Selwood
Mastered: Martin George Selwood

Available on Bandcamp to listen or purchase. Available on all streaming platforms.