Five of Pentacles and The Hermit. The second release in my series of music based on tarot cards, and their symbolism and meanings.
The Five of Pentacles tarot card is symbolic and suggests feeling excluded, isolation, loneliness, illness, poverty, and loss. The Hermit card means a period of introspection, inner reflections, and seeking answers from within.
This piece is a combination of both the major and minor arcana cards. The Hermit, a major arcana card, is more likely to deal with long-term or overarching issues, and the Five of Pentacles, a minor arcana card is more likely to deal with more every day or short-term issues.
Five of Pentacles and The Hermit is released on 25th February 2022 on all digital stores and streaming services.
Instruments: Korg Arp 2600FS, Fairlight SIII, Korg 01WFD, Yamaha SS30, Ensoniq ESQ1, Spitfire Albion Solstice, Spitfire Abbey Road One, Spitfire BBCSO Discover, Spitfire Ólafur Arnalds Evolutions, Spitfire Chamber Strings, 8Dio Cage, 8Dio Artisan Brass, NI FM8, Arturia Synclavier V, Hideaway Studio Synergenesis, Heaviocity Evolve, Soundpaint 1928 Piano, NI Session Strings Pro 2, 8Dio Adagietto, 8Dio Barbary, 8Dio Jennifer, 8Dio Epic Dhol Ensemble, 8Dio Epic Frame Drum Ensemble, 8Dio Epic Taiko Ensemble, 8Dio Epic Room Ensemble, 8Dio Epic Tom Ensemble, Ben Osterhouse Oscillation Strings, Keepforest Devastator Warzone, Keepforest Riseage, Keepforest Dragon, Keepforest Atlantica, NI Abbey Road 70s Drums, Sample Hero Vintage Bell Tree, 8Dio Windchimes, NI Symphony Essentials,

Music: Martin George Selwood © 2022
Mastered: Martin George Selwood (2022)
Video: Martin George Selwood
Cover art by Martin George Selwood
All Rights Reserved © Martin George Selwood 2022.
#tarotmusic #tarot #cinematicmusic #epicmusic #fiveofpentacles #thehermit #tarotcards #musicoftarot #martingeorgeselwood
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