Time Is Running Out. This track is heavily influenced by the music from Blade Runner and Vangelis. None of us knows how much time we have in this life and the clock is most certainly ticking.
Life is a collection of experiences and it is crucial to make the most of all of them. It’s not just the major events in life either, it’s all the little things that enrich our lives. All those shared moments and experiences with friends, and loved ones that matter most to us. The early morning walks, random days out, dancing, singing in the car, and other haphazard situations that bring us joy and happiness or that we can smile and laugh at when we look back.
Time Is Running Out is released on 9th July 2021 and is available on all digital stores and streaming platforms.
Music written by Martin George Selwood
Mastered: Martin George Selwood (2021)
Cover art by Martin George Selwood (2021)
All Rights Reserved © Martin George Selwood 2021

Instruments: Nord Stage 2, UHE BazilleCM, Arturia Solina V, Heavyocity Damage, Heavyocity Evolve, Heavyocity Damage, Keepforest Ferrum Free, 8Dio Epic Taiko Ensemble, 8Dio Epic Frame Drum Ensemble, 8Dio Epic Dhol Ensemble, Spitfire Abbey Road One, Spitfire Albion Icini, Spitfire Hauschka Composer Toolkit, Ghosthack Cinematic Trailer FX, Arturia CS80V, NI Monark, NI Prism
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